Backpain is a leading cause of disability. Often sufferers of backpain will use conventional synthetic drugs in the early stages to regain a normal level of mobility and ease pain, however, long term use can cause unpleasant side affects. As a result many long term sufferers of backpain are turning to alternative treatments, including INVERSION THERAPY (a gravity controlled means of traction)
The upside-down position is orthopaedically offered for relieving pressure on the intervertebral discs as well as easing backpain and tenseness of the muscles. Inversion Therapy - the modern term for the ancient practice of "hanging upside down" dates back to ancient Greek Physicians, but for a number of years the benefits of this technique have been largely ignored. Now, thanks to the INVERSION BED /
TABLE the most inexperienced or unfit person can benefit by defying gravity.
Reduces Compression Fatigue, Stress, Eases Backpain, Improves blood circulation, Encourages efficient Lymphatic drainage, Relieves pressure on protruding intervertebral discs and compressed nerve roots.
The upside-down position is orthopaedically offered for relieving pressure on the intervertebral discs as well as easing backpain and tenseness of the muscles. Inversion Therapy - the modern term for the ancient practice of "hanging upside down" dates back to ancient Greek Physicians, but for a number of years the benefits of this technique have been largely ignored. Now, thanks to the INVERSION BED /

Reduces Compression Fatigue, Stress, Eases Backpain, Improves blood circulation, Encourages efficient Lymphatic drainage, Relieves pressure on protruding intervertebral discs and compressed nerve roots.